latest 13 messages by irctc592

+ [2015-06-18T11:26:55Z] irctc592 @javahorn what it display?
+ [2015-06-18T11:22:00Z] irctc592 will compare with admin's one and show status
+ [2015-06-18T11:21:29Z] irctc592 git remote show origin
+ [2015-06-18T11:07:52Z] irctc592 yay, it works, :)
+ [2015-06-18T11:07:07Z] irctc592 ah ok Morrolan, thanks
+ [2015-06-18T11:06:20Z] irctc592 is that url type incorrect?
+ [2015-06-18T11:05:29Z] irctc592 it gives Permission denied (publickey).
+ [2015-06-18T11:05:18Z] irctc592 when i run git clone .
+ [2015-06-18T11:04:19Z] irctc592 but how i get key for another user's repo on github?
+ [2015-06-18T11:04:00Z] irctc592 Permission denied (publickey).
+ [2015-06-18T11:03:12Z] irctc592 i am getting public key error
+ [2015-06-18T11:02:57Z] irctc592 how i can clone another person's git repo from git bash?