latest 11 messages by itsmeduncan

+ [2014-10-24T15:44:27Z] itsmeduncan And thanks for your help!
+ [2014-10-24T15:44:22Z] itsmeduncan Thanks for validating that we aren't doing something totally wrong.
+ [2014-10-24T15:44:06Z] itsmeduncan @zerowidth We'll stick to pinging individuals and keep our eyes peeled on magical future changes
+ [2014-10-24T15:42:27Z] itsmeduncan To be honest, we'd rather not make all ~50 engineers be owners, or members of every team
+ [2014-10-24T15:40:39Z] itsmeduncan So you'd have an @org/dba team that you could summon
+ [2014-10-24T15:40:17Z] itsmeduncan It'd be nice to ping folks with DBA-like experience for review on a code change that might add an index
+ [2014-10-24T15:38:58Z] itsmeduncan Hm, seems like we are approaching teams the incorrect way.
+ [2014-10-24T15:36:27Z] itsmeduncan And that seems like an arbitrary rule. We want to have language specific teams...
+ [2014-10-24T15:36:04Z] itsmeduncan @zerowidth Is that mentioned somewhere?
+ [2014-10-24T15:32:43Z] itsmeduncan Can someone help me understand why a user can @ notify some org. teams, and not others?
+ [2014-08-06T23:28:51Z] itsmeduncan Should I assume that if someone is on two teams the one with the highest-level of permissions is applied to them?