latest 20 messages by iveqy

+ [2015-05-27T10:49:18Z] iveqy maasha: go to the "view a commit" view, then you can add a comment to that commit
+ [2015-05-27T10:48:21Z] iveqy maasha: yes
+ [2015-05-24T22:10:20Z] iveqy Padawan: you can do this with vim too, not sure that someone already done it for you though
+ [2015-05-24T22:10:01Z] iveqy Padawan: thanks for the explanation =)
+ [2015-05-24T22:06:17Z] iveqy Padawan: I don't understand, what does github do beyond vim?
+ [2015-05-24T21:37:21Z] iveqy Padawan: that's a harder thing to solve. I suggest you try the vim maillist to hear about why vim doesn't support this. Vim is quite populair and I'm surprised if the syntax hightligt is lacking for a popular language as python
+ [2015-05-24T21:35:05Z] iveqy Padawan: just use an other colorscheme
+ [2015-05-24T21:34:59Z] iveqy Padawan: you do know that you can change the colors of vims syntax highligt?
+ [2015-05-24T21:24:57Z] iveqy Padawan: no, they are incompatible, but I wonder, what differs vims syntax highlightning from githubs one?
+ [2015-05-19T06:02:41Z] iveqy t4nk731: what do you mean, just add the other server as a remote (man git remote) and push to that server (man git push). What conflicts are you afraid of?
+ [2015-05-18T17:58:24Z] iveqy felipesabino: probably, but I don't know. eclipse is using jgit afaik and I don't know how mature it is
+ [2015-05-18T17:29:22Z] iveqy felsenhower: !crlf
+ [2015-05-18T16:51:15Z] iveqy RM87: maybe you should send an email to
+ [2015-05-18T13:58:12Z] iveqy that won't prevent the merge but the push
+ [2015-05-18T13:58:05Z] iveqy is_null: you could always solve this partially with a pre-recieve hook
+ [2015-05-18T13:53:11Z] iveqy canton7: thanks, I hope that what they meant. Then at least there's some good way to identify them
+ [2015-05-18T13:51:06Z] iveqy blueyed: ^
+ [2015-05-18T13:51:04Z] iveqy is_null: define what is a fixup commit
+ [2015-05-17T17:59:26Z] iveqy jrm: !workflow
+ [2015-05-17T17:59:13Z] iveqy jrm: that's one way of doing it, but it's really not a git decision but a workflow decision. Git supports many workflows. See !gitflow