latest 20 messages by jalvarez

+ [2016-11-16T00:49:45Z] jalvarez anyone using bootstrap-sass ?
+ [2016-11-15T23:52:26Z] jalvarez or do i need to do it inside my styles.scss file?
+ [2016-11-15T23:52:10Z] jalvarez just mark some text with the class of danger and see if it apears?
+ [2016-11-15T23:51:52Z] jalvarez do i just use it like bootstrap?
+ [2016-11-15T23:51:35Z] jalvarez so now how do i change my css?
+ [2016-11-15T23:38:16Z] jalvarez nvm fixed it
+ [2016-11-15T23:26:29Z] jalvarez i cant see the github page i made
+ [2016-11-15T23:26:16Z] jalvarez i think im missing something here
+ [2016-11-15T23:20:12Z] jalvarez do i need to delete the master branch?
+ [2016-11-15T23:20:04Z] jalvarez why isnt it showing up
+ [2016-11-15T23:19:58Z] jalvarez but now when i go to the link github gives me i cant see anything
+ [2016-11-15T23:19:21Z] jalvarez git rm --cached <file> to be exact
+ [2016-11-15T23:18:45Z] jalvarez yeah i used git rm
+ [2016-11-15T23:16:21Z] jalvarez so now it should not apear again once i push again right?
+ [2016-11-15T23:15:59Z] jalvarez i can delete it from the website by the GUI
+ [2016-11-15T23:15:41Z] jalvarez but still in github
+ [2016-11-15T23:15:35Z] jalvarez okay i think i removed it from git
+ [2016-11-15T23:12:22Z] jalvarez stop being tracked?
+ [2016-11-15T23:10:27Z] jalvarez do i need to put a dot infront of it in my gitignore?