latest 7 messages by jared

+ [2017-03-26T04:00:55Z] jared Wow!!! Thank you. Just saved me a lot of trouble :)
+ [2017-03-26T03:33:10Z] jared I want the person who is writing markdown posts to be able to separate sections with divs that will become "slides" when i implement the jQuery carousel "slick"
+ [2017-03-26T03:32:25Z] jared does anyone see an easy way to solve this?
+ [2017-03-26T03:32:00Z] jared but in Jekyll, the divs render, but the text inside is without <p> tags :(
+ [2017-03-26T03:31:34Z] jared In Hexo, this allows me to use markdown syntax inside of the wrapper
+ [2017-03-26T03:30:57Z] jared i am having some trouble. i tried to wrap markdown content with divs with a class name assigned by using['start'] and['end'].
+ [2017-03-26T02:45:07Z] jared hello