latest 17 messages by jashank

+ [2015-01-03T02:34:51Z] jashank Is it just me, or is rb-gsl the only thing that's _always_ broken?
+ [2015-01-03T02:34:36Z] jashank shakes his fist at rb-gsl
+ [2015-01-03T02:03:50Z] jashank I wonder if I can come up with another one-line fix that improves performance by a factor of, what was it, n^2?
+ [2015-01-03T02:03:06Z] jashank ... Hmm. --lsi is slow for me again.
+ [2014-02-13T04:06:54Z] jashank Nice to have.
+ [2014-02-13T04:05:58Z] jashank The ability to sanely regenerate parts of a site would be NTH for situations like this.
+ [2014-02-13T03:52:13Z] jashank Jekyll builds are a bit sluggish up around the several thousand post mark, in my experience.
+ [2014-02-07T04:04:27Z] jashank isaacbw: Check out the `exclude` option in _config.yml:
+ [2014-02-06T06:58:54Z] jashank ovidiu: Yes, it's available as `{{ page.title }}`, assuming the layout hasn't changed that.
+ [2014-02-05T08:36:28Z] jashank I'd be lying if I said I hadn't mistyped #2014 as #2013 at least once.
+ [2014-02-05T08:35:09Z] jashank pontiki: Seconded. As for your second point, and
+ [2014-02-05T01:04:35Z] jashank That's a change that predates Jekyll 1.0.0, by the looks of things.
+ [2014-02-05T01:01:02Z] jashank alexfu: It's been deprecated; you now need to use the --watch/-w command-line argument to jekyll build.
+ [2014-02-04T21:54:46Z] jashank Faltad_: I'm not sure /docs/usage is the right place to put a warning about the destination wiping, but I'm also not sure where.
+ [2014-02-04T21:47:58Z] jashank alexfu: There's an 'excludes' flag in _config.yml, but it's not quite ideal. I also recall an option in the YAML front-matter, but I don't know what it is.