latest 10 messages by jasonaowen

+ [2017-07-07T19:05:42Z] jasonaowen and you shouldn't put your github password in a shell script
+ [2017-07-07T19:05:23Z] jasonaowen uh, that URL doesn't look right
+ [2017-07-07T19:03:10Z] jasonaowen
+ [2017-07-07T19:03:05Z] jasonaowen
+ [2017-07-07T19:03:02Z] jasonaowen wrkrcoop: use an SSH key, or a personal access token
+ [2017-06-23T14:51:38Z] jasonaowen alejandrozf: you're welcome :)
+ [2017-06-23T14:44:43Z] jasonaowen alejandrozf: you don't need to close it; if you force push over your branch the PR will update
+ [2017-06-23T14:38:22Z] jasonaowen alejandrozf: you can edit it without closing it:
+ [2017-05-09T14:08:17Z] jasonaowen neoclust: if you go to your project settings, under integrations and services there is an IRC integration
+ [2017-05-05T15:34:59Z] jasonaowen maestrojed: the usual workflow is to fork the repo in github, push your changes to your repo, and then open a pull request to upstream: