latest 20 messages by jasonwryan

+ [2013-06-23T08:41:41Z] jasonwryan fuck me. Uninstalled ruby, deleted .gems and .rubies and *still* the same error
+ [2013-06-23T08:07:22Z] jasonwryan manually removing all gems (see where that goes)
+ [2013-06-23T07:58:39Z] jasonwryan I've got ruby-1.9.3-p327
+ [2013-06-23T07:58:10Z] jasonwryan what ruby are you using?
+ [2013-06-23T07:55:45Z] jasonwryan where else would it be coming from?
+ [2013-06-23T07:55:33Z] jasonwryan this *has* to be something wrong with my gemset
+ [2013-06-23T07:55:14Z] jasonwryan I just recloned and tried again with a single post and the error is the same, but for the post, not atom.xml
+ [2013-06-23T07:46:41Z] jasonwryan pontiki: no; it is choking on the compiled version…
+ [2013-06-23T04:40:15Z] jasonwryan man, this is weird. Just did a fresh clone of octopress and still get the liquid excpetion errors, for *any* language
+ [2013-06-23T01:54:55Z] jasonwryan thanks for the help guys. I'll pick this up later…
+ [2013-06-23T01:44:31Z] jasonwryan alas, no extra info
+ [2013-06-23T01:42:04Z] jasonwryan s/lang: sh/lang:sh/
+ [2013-06-23T01:41:29Z] jasonwryan I've got a shitload of {% codeblock lang: sh %}, but they should be fine
+ [2013-06-23T01:38:25Z] jasonwryan jaybe: thanks, but that string doesn't exist in either atom.xml or in source/_posts…
+ [2013-06-23T01:30:15Z] jasonwryan Well, that sort of worked :) No longer segfaults, but still errors out