latest 20 messages by javahorn

+ [2015-07-13T12:44:11Z] javahorn #git pull upstream master should do, is not it?
+ [2015-07-13T12:43:51Z] javahorn RedRat: Thanks but for just taking in what other guys have done
+ [2015-07-13T12:41:35Z] javahorn RedRat: yes, i want to take the latest code in
+ [2015-07-13T12:34:49Z] javahorn both are same ?
+ [2015-07-13T12:34:42Z] javahorn
+ [2015-07-13T12:34:30Z] javahorn # git pull upstream master
+ [2015-07-13T12:34:28Z] javahorn Hi, to update codebase either
+ [2015-07-09T13:17:03Z] javahorn ok thanks
+ [2015-07-09T13:16:06Z] javahorn but you have any idea of it?
+ [2015-07-09T13:15:43Z] javahorn ok whaley
+ [2015-07-09T10:34:05Z] javahorn Anyone with websphere background, i am aware it is not specific to this channel, but trying my luck. Thanks.
+ [2015-06-24T10:19:14Z] javahorn ok Seveas
+ [2015-06-24T10:17:56Z] javahorn Thanks Seveas . #git commit -- will it commit all such files or should i commit, only the files named ie #git commit - m <file1> <file2>
+ [2015-06-24T10:15:00Z] javahorn i get , with file names as ---Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge. Aborting
+ [2015-06-24T10:14:49Z] javahorn Seveas: During #git pull upstream master