latest 20 messages by jbfavre

+ [2015-01-11T19:09:46Z] jbfavre pontiki: ok, thanks.
+ [2015-01-11T18:57:13Z] jbfavre so there's no way to use anything else than 'site.posts limit:10' in root feed ?
+ [2015-01-11T18:54:30Z] jbfavre pontiki: oh, ok
+ [2015-01-11T18:52:56Z] jbfavre pontiki: does not page.posts comes from paginator ?
+ [2015-01-11T18:50:03Z] jbfavre oh, actually it uses a 'for post in page.posts' loop. But still works for category feeds and not for root one
+ [2015-01-11T18:47:39Z] jbfavre no, I want XML feed. the plugin I mentionned generates one feed per category using paginator. I wanted to do the same for the root feed
+ [2015-01-11T18:46:45Z] jbfavre it seems I can't :(
+ [2015-01-11T18:46:33Z] jbfavre I just wanted to use the same layout for both index feed and others built by this plugin
+ [2015-01-11T18:45:56Z] jbfavre it allows to build paginated index as well as feed (only one) per category & tag
+ [2015-01-11T18:45:21Z] jbfavre pontiki: I guess they won't :) I'm using a plugin
+ [2015-01-11T18:41:08Z] jbfavre jaybe: 19:40:40 < jaybe> </sarcasm (so there was a <sarcasm before :p)
+ [2015-01-11T18:40:26Z] jbfavre jaybe: you can, I've read this page thousand times without seeing this block :)
+ [2015-01-11T18:39:57Z] jbfavre ok, so how can I reuse paginate parameter into feed.xml ?
+ [2015-01-11T18:39:24Z] jbfavre jaybe: now yes... maybe was too big :-/
+ [2015-01-11T18:39:03Z] jbfavre pontiki: to reuse paginate parameter and avoid duplicating it ?
+ [2015-01-11T18:38:25Z] jbfavre jaybe, I already have. Just do not understand why it's available in index.html and not in feed.xml. Is it restricted to the first one ?
+ [2015-01-11T18:33:39Z] jbfavre any idea ?
+ [2015-01-11T18:33:35Z] jbfavre hello everyone. Using jekyll 2.5.3, liquid tag paginator.posts works for /index.html but not for /feed.xml
+ [2014-07-26T09:22:02Z] jbfavre hello, collections seems to allow variable definition. How can I access them from template ?
+ [2014-07-21T20:11:25Z] jbfavre bretolius: I'm still discovering Jekyll, so don't know so much how to use variables. But I'll investigate :)