latest 20 messages by jbleuzen

+ [2015-10-28T05:16:44Z] jbleuzen Ok, I've found a solution to my problem. No more help needed
+ [2015-10-28T04:31:45Z] jbleuzen is that a good idea ?
+ [2015-10-28T04:31:38Z] jbleuzen I'm rewriting some plugins and wondering if I can load Utils module from Jekyll in my plugin
+ [2015-10-28T04:31:08Z] jbleuzen I have sort of a noob question with Jekyll 3
+ [2015-01-22T13:33:55Z] jbleuzen (just for tests)
+ [2015-01-22T13:33:47Z] jbleuzen Try to remove images maybe
+ [2015-01-22T13:33:40Z] jbleuzen ok 5 seconds is not that long... :p
+ [2015-01-22T13:27:51Z] jbleuzen don't have much posts, drafts, plugins... I don't see
+ [2015-01-22T13:27:10Z] jbleuzen I don't see any reason on quick lookup
+ [2015-01-22T13:22:24Z] jbleuzen do you have a complex folder tree ?
+ [2015-01-22T13:20:56Z] jbleuzen mchelen: Do you have a node_module folder ?
+ [2015-01-08T09:45:31Z] jbleuzen yep, if you don't car about blog posts then just use :p
+ [2015-01-08T09:31:17Z] jbleuzen you want to show a post on your homepage ?
+ [2015-01-08T09:31:04Z] jbleuzen hmmm not sure to understand
+ [2014-11-06T17:05:27Z] jbleuzen rob_: I though I use to do some thing like that...
+ [2014-11-06T16:47:27Z] jbleuzen should do the trick
+ [2014-11-06T16:47:21Z] jbleuzen rob_ -> {% if page.layout contains 'posts' %} blabla {% endif %}
+ [2014-10-31T14:23:16Z] jbleuzen You'll have to use a plugin for that...