latest 16 messages by jbnicolai

+ [2014-01-26T22:28:46Z] jbnicolai Although that might just be irrational ;)
+ [2014-01-26T22:28:33Z] jbnicolai kaffeebohne: Good solution, although I'd prefer to solve this when generating the site, rather than when responding to requests.
+ [2014-01-26T22:09:24Z] jbnicolai So I can have all my pages under /pages/, but have jekyll still place them under istead of
+ [2014-01-26T22:08:49Z] jbnicolai Hi guys, I have a lot of top level pages (eg, and, and I'd like to place these all in the subdirectory 'pages'. Is there a simple way to do this?
+ [2014-01-26T16:41:05Z] jbnicolai pontiki: up and running. ^^
+ [2014-01-26T16:36:11Z] jbnicolai Ah, I think it just clicked. Thanks! :)
+ [2014-01-26T16:31:57Z] jbnicolai Makes sense. So how would I first set the content and then have it processed in the surrounding _layouts template?
+ [2014-01-26T16:29:26Z] jbnicolai But assigning to page.content makes it ignore the surrounding template
+ [2014-01-26T16:29:08Z] jbnicolai I'm trying to dynamically set the page's content in the plugin.
+ [2014-01-26T16:28:47Z] jbnicolai pontiki: could you help me out?
+ [2014-01-26T15:38:55Z] jbnicolai pontiki: sorry for the late response. Thanks a lot!
+ [2014-01-26T15:11:22Z] jbnicolai pontiki: Nice! :)
+ [2014-01-26T15:11:07Z] jbnicolai I'm having trouble finding documentation on how to do this though, the docs seem a bit sparse.
+ [2014-01-26T15:10:43Z] jbnicolai What I'd simply like is to write a plugin that will create, per category type, a page listing all posts of said category.
+ [2014-01-26T15:10:19Z] jbnicolai I have a bunch of posts, in several categories. Each has, at the top, "category: <type>"
+ [2014-01-26T15:09:36Z] jbnicolai Hi guys, I'm *very* new to Jekyll, so I apologise in advance if I'm asking anything too obvious.. ;-)