latest 8 messages by jcelerier

+ [2020-03-20T21:09:41Z] jcelerier and not being able to do a thing
+ [2020-03-20T21:09:26Z] jcelerier but more about receiving random DMCA takedowns
+ [2020-03-20T21:09:20Z] jcelerier well I'm not worried about github actualling going down
+ [2020-03-20T20:40:00Z] jcelerier and help me sleep better at night
+ [2020-03-20T20:39:55Z] jcelerier just to have the data on my hard disk in case one day github goes down for some reason
+ [2020-03-20T20:38:36Z] jcelerier I think so - i'm just hoping that someone has already a script somewhere to do the scraping :p
+ [2020-03-20T20:36:22Z] jcelerier heyo :) anyone knows if there is an easy way to backup github project boards ?