latest 20 messages by jdoliner

+ [2014-12-22T01:33:47Z] jdoliner because lord knows better men than me have tried and failed to configure a broken ubuntu install
+ [2014-12-22T01:33:16Z] jdoliner instead of trying to configure my machine
+ [2014-12-22T01:33:10Z] jdoliner I'm just going to use
+ [2014-12-22T01:32:57Z] jdoliner I think I have the answer though
+ [2014-12-22T01:32:53Z] jdoliner that's 2.7.5+
+ [2014-12-22T01:32:29Z] jdoliner (which isn't python3)
+ [2014-12-22T01:32:24Z] jdoliner /usr/bin/python
+ [2014-12-22T01:30:58Z] jdoliner If I have to do something in particular to use pygments then the answer is probably no
+ [2014-12-22T01:30:38Z] jdoliner Ademan: what would be an easy way to determine that? (I'm pretty new to Jekyll)
+ [2014-12-22T01:03:46Z] jdoliner perhaps it's using the wrong python?
+ [2014-12-22T01:03:35Z] jdoliner hmm, I also have python3 installed and all of the bugs say that this is a python3 issue
+ [2014-12-22T01:02:05Z] jdoliner thanks in advance for the help
+ [2014-12-22T01:01:57Z] jdoliner python version: Python 2.7.5+
+ [2014-12-22T01:01:38Z] jdoliner jekyll version: jekyll 2.5.2
+ [2014-12-22T01:01:20Z] jdoliner ruby version: ruby 2.1.5p273 (2014-11-13 revision 48405) [x86_64-linux]
+ [2014-12-22T01:00:56Z] jdoliner (it's also a bit hard to figure out exactly what the fix is there)
+ [2014-12-22T01:00:38Z] jdoliner but none of those fixes seem to be working for me
+ [2014-12-22T01:00:28Z] jdoliner
+ [2014-12-22T01:00:27Z] jdoliner I found an issue about this