latest 20 messages by jedimind

+ [2013-11-30T22:03:41Z] jedimind but we got there
+ [2013-11-30T22:03:40Z] jedimind it was little bit of blind leading the blind
+ [2013-11-30T22:03:32Z] jedimind yup jaybe we got that far :)
+ [2013-11-30T20:10:05Z] jedimind good to know
+ [2013-11-30T19:38:17Z] jedimind just remove the {{ }}
+ [2013-11-30T19:38:14Z] jedimind {% variable = post.title.gsub(/[\s+)(]/,"") %}
+ [2013-11-30T19:37:51Z] jedimind you can use whatever variable in there without spitting it out
+ [2013-11-30T19:37:43Z] jedimind {{ just spits it out into the page
+ [2013-11-30T19:37:35Z] jedimind what do you mean
+ [2013-11-30T19:23:04Z] jedimind sorry for the ambiguity, only half my brain is here
+ [2013-11-30T19:22:30Z] jedimind
+ [2013-11-30T19:22:25Z] jedimind after consulting the documentation, it in fact uses a template language called Liquid
+ [2013-11-30T19:21:31Z] jedimind there are a few flavours of similar logic-less template languages
+ [2013-11-30T19:21:20Z] jedimind actually come to think of it, i dont know if its specifically mustache or something similar
+ [2013-11-30T19:20:50Z] jedimind
+ [2013-11-30T19:20:41Z] jedimind yes, {{ }} is just mustache template language
+ [2013-11-30T19:20:17Z] jedimind where you do the logic
+ [2013-11-30T19:20:03Z] jedimind meaning, you have to define a post.titleID variable in ruby, then spit it out in the template