latest 17 messages by jeffrey3234

+ [2016-06-07T05:14:09Z] jeffrey3234 i think I'll still have exeception if I choose a theme that has jekyll-avatar in it.
+ [2016-06-07T05:13:10Z] jeffrey3234 ok if i run serve/build in a new dir outside of site, it all works
+ [2016-06-07T05:11:51Z] jeffrey3234 i thought it was a template you start with, then modify to your own site
+ [2016-06-07T05:10:22Z] jeffrey3234 which includes jekyll-avatar in the _config.yml
+ [2016-06-07T05:09:56Z] jeffrey3234 don't think so, I'm using the default jekyll zip that is on here:
+ [2016-06-07T05:06:42Z] jeffrey3234 do you mean somewhere in ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/jekyll-avatar-0.4.0 ?
+ [2016-06-07T04:56:17Z] jeffrey3234 dont know what bundler is, don't think im using it
+ [2016-06-07T04:53:25Z] jeffrey3234 under gems: jekyll-avatar
+ [2016-06-07T04:53:04Z] jeffrey3234 it's already in the default _config.yml that is supplied
+ [2016-06-07T04:51:38Z] jeffrey3234 don't know how else to verify
+ [2016-06-07T04:51:26Z] jeffrey3234 I have this folder with ruby files in there: ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/jekyll-avatar-0.4.0
+ [2016-06-07T04:50:44Z] jeffrey3234 I've done gem install jekyll-avatar
+ [2016-06-07T04:42:51Z] jeffrey3234 when trying to run 'jekyll serve'
+ [2016-06-07T04:42:29Z] jeffrey3234 what would this mean:? Liquid Exception: uninitialized constant Jekyll::Avatar::Zlib in _layouts/news_item.html
+ [2016-06-07T03:49:50Z] jeffrey3234 what version of Ruby should I be using for jekyll 3.1.6?