latest 11 messages by jens-na

+ [2013-12-28T18:15:05Z] jens-na no jekyll guru either. Anyway I like jekyll!
+ [2013-12-28T18:06:32Z] jens-na I am no octopress guru, sorry. :)
+ [2013-12-28T18:05:50Z] jens-na hi. :)
+ [2013-12-28T17:56:51Z] jens-na alive!
+ [2013-12-17T21:12:42Z] jens-na jaybe: thank you! Always nice to hear! :)
+ [2013-12-17T21:04:45Z] jens-na jaybe: thanks. Yes, that's an idea. There is nothing I can do anyway.
+ [2013-12-17T20:38:25Z] jens-na bret: maybe just a lack of git knowledge...
+ [2013-12-17T20:21:49Z] jens-na bret: thanks!
+ [2013-12-17T18:48:00Z] jens-na Hey, recently I have recently opened a pull request ( A few minutes ago I have added a few tests for the feature, but the (new) commit does not show up in the pull request. I have already rebased it into the previous commit. Has this something to do with moving mojombo/jekyll -> jekyll/jekyll?