latest 20 messages by jerit

+ [2017-03-06T22:07:14Z] jerit that I found is what my problem was
+ [2017-03-06T22:07:06Z] jerit mmmm have to browse to the correct repo first in the shell otherwise you can't do a damn thing
+ [2017-03-06T18:58:58Z] jerit Having made changes and additions to my working directory, I'd now like to commit the changes and push them to the remote repo, but git it having none of it...
+ [2017-03-06T18:55:02Z] jerit same problem again... made changes in my working directory and when I try to commit, git says there's nothing to commit
+ [2017-03-06T15:57:11Z] jerit then push
+ [2017-03-06T15:57:10Z] jerit err... no... commit comes after that
+ [2017-03-06T15:56:49Z] jerit Step 2: git add * (to add all files to the commit)
+ [2017-03-06T15:56:34Z] jerit Step 1: commit = git commit -m "comment"
+ [2017-03-06T15:56:23Z] jerit so as to prevent this from happening again would you mind confirming the process for me?
+ [2017-03-06T15:55:59Z] jerit I do, Dougie187 thanks for being so patient with me :)
+ [2017-03-06T15:49:45Z] jerit then I got thrown for a loop
+ [2017-03-06T15:49:39Z] jerit tried with git commit -m "comment" but it errored telling me there was nothing to commit
+ [2017-03-06T15:49:22Z] jerit literally all I wanted to do was update the remote repo from my working directory
+ [2017-03-06T15:45:34Z] jerit okay remote has been corrected and the thing said there was work in the repo that I don't have here so I did a pull
+ [2017-03-06T15:42:21Z] jerit I normally work with SourceTree but thats for my private repos so sorry if you feel like you're hand holding. I really don't have much experience with git
+ [2017-03-06T15:41:42Z] jerit remote origin already exists O_o
+ [2017-03-06T15:40:05Z] jerit mhmm it says githib (sorry thib)
+ [2017-03-06T15:39:30Z] jerit I assume this should fix it, no? git push --set-upstream master
+ [2017-03-06T15:38:56Z] jerit Dougie187: I made that typo last week O_o
+ [2017-03-06T15:38:42Z] jerit lol