latest 13 messages by jetsaredim

+ [2015-08-22T03:55:41Z] jetsaredim without the force what would the normal workflow be?
+ [2015-08-22T03:55:30Z] jetsaredim ok thanks that seems to have done it
+ [2015-08-22T03:53:06Z] jetsaredim Infininight: git seems to be complaining about a fast-forward?
+ [2015-08-22T03:49:00Z] jetsaredim er - i guess that's just the specific PR filter/test for the repo I'm using
+ [2015-08-22T03:48:14Z] jetsaredim does this also re-trigger the Travis CI?
+ [2015-08-22T03:46:38Z] jetsaredim so just - fix, add, commit, push?
+ [2015-08-22T03:46:07Z] jetsaredim Infininight: do I have to make a new branch on my repo?
+ [2015-08-22T03:42:22Z] jetsaredim there was some space indenting issues with some python code I submitted to a repo and it failed the Travis CI but its an easy fix I just don't know how to do it without creating a whole new PR
+ [2015-08-22T03:41:39Z] jetsaredim can someone explain how to fix a PR?