latest 20 messages by jitendravyas

+ [2015-01-10T06:19:29Z] jitendravyas is it possible to keep github repo and deploy to s3 each time i push ode to github repo
+ [2015-01-10T06:18:52Z] jitendravyas i would even prefer to keep website on s3 then
+ [2015-01-10T06:12:04Z] jitendravyas for a gthub hosted jekyll blog can we keep assets on S3
+ [2015-01-10T06:11:30Z] jitendravyas there is a limited space on free github for hosted images in a repo
+ [2015-01-10T02:49:18Z] jitendravyas can anyone help me
+ [2015-01-09T16:52:53Z] jitendravyas jaybe i tried. getting error
+ [2015-01-09T16:38:58Z] jitendravyas can anyone help me to convert my ghost articles into jekyll?
+ [2015-01-07T13:40:06Z] jitendravyas can anyone help on this
+ [2015-01-07T08:42:48Z] jitendravyas pontiki sorry correct link of my stackoverflow question is this
+ [2015-01-07T08:41:33Z] jitendravyas pontiki yes I have installed sqlite3 and then ran the command
+ [2015-01-07T08:33:40Z] jitendravyas pontiki
+ [2015-01-07T08:05:53Z] jitendravyas when i run this command in my system I get this error
+ [2015-01-07T08:03:32Z] jitendravyas can anyone help me to use this command