latest 10 messages by jkcclemens

+ [2013-09-23T04:07:20Z] jkcclemens Yeah, I saw a setup like that, and was considering it, but it's easier to just convert what I already have into Markdown
+ [2013-09-23T03:42:08Z] jkcclemens I figured as much. It's unfortunate, but not the end of the world.
+ [2013-09-23T03:40:15Z] jkcclemens Yes, but preferably, I'd like to host just the source and allow for PRs from other people that don't know HTML (some people don't)
+ [2013-09-23T03:24:29Z] jkcclemens Well, you upload the source, and it runs it through Jekyll with safe-mode on
+ [2013-09-23T03:19:40Z] jkcclemens Those won't run on a GitHub Pages site, though, correct?
+ [2013-09-23T03:17:00Z] jkcclemens I had already written half of my documentation for a product in Creole, using my own system, and then I switched to Jekyll, and I'd prefer to not have to convert it all into Markdown
+ [2013-09-23T03:16:29Z] jkcclemens A syntax like Markdown; WikiMedia uses it. I think the site is
+ [2013-09-23T03:11:17Z] jkcclemens Is there a way to use Creole with Jekyll at all?