latest 20 messages by jkramer

+ [2015-12-04T15:49:09Z] jkramer gems: in config.
+ [2015-12-04T15:48:04Z] jkramer kayrus: I also added jekyll-sass-converter to the gem list, not sure if it's necessary but you could try it if it still doesn't work for you
+ [2015-12-04T14:57:03Z] jkramer osfabibisi: Found the problem, the scss didn't have front matter. I used an asset pipeline plugin before that didn't like frontmatter, but had to remove it because it stopped working with 3.0
+ [2015-12-04T14:38:39Z] jkramer I'm just trying to fix an old jekyll project for jekyll 3.0. Apparently .scss files are not converted automatically anymore, do I need to add some gem to the config or something?
+ [2015-11-05T16:02:42Z] jkramer If I set the post time to 15:03:17 instead it's published
+ [2015-11-05T15:59:54Z] jkramer Post date: 2015-11-05 16:03:17 - system date: Thu Nov 5 16:59:53 CET 2015
+ [2015-11-05T15:59:24Z] jkramer At least according to the systems time. Does jekyll use a different timezone or something?
+ [2015-11-05T15:59:05Z] jkramer --future fixes it, but the posts date/time definitely is not in the future
+ [2015-11-05T15:58:47Z] jkramer My latest post isn't published by default anymore, even though it was with the old 2.5.something version.
+ [2015-11-05T15:58:25Z] jkramer Hey there, I encountered another problem.
+ [2015-11-05T15:46:04Z] jkramer Nevermind, the problem was a plugin that seems to be incompatible with 3.0
+ [2015-11-05T15:42:18Z] jkramer Do I need to adjust something at my config/site for 3.0?
+ [2015-11-05T15:41:57Z] jkramer /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.1/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:128:in `require': cannot load such file -- jekyll/post (LoadError)
+ [2015-11-05T15:41:54Z] jkramer I just updated to jekyll 3.0 and now I'm getting this when trying to build my site:
+ [2015-11-05T15:41:38Z] jkramer Hello
+ [2015-06-26T13:51:14Z] jkramer This cost me about 45min XD
+ [2015-06-26T13:49:45Z] jkramer TGIF :)
+ [2015-06-26T13:47:59Z] jkramer Awww f*ck me, I forget to restart jekyll serve. :( Nevermind.
+ [2015-06-26T13:46:01Z] jkramer Is it possible to make the format for the date filter configurable somehow? I tried this: {{ | date: site.date_format }} (and of course defined date_format in _config.yaml, but I only get the default formatting, so I guess using the variable yields null or something.