latest 10 messages by jmv

+ [2016-07-20T17:16:22Z] jmv jhass, thanks ; I did .
+ [2016-07-20T17:07:32Z] jmv My understanding is that internally there is a version of this file (because a first trial failed because of internet connection) that spoils operation ...
+ [2016-07-20T17:06:00Z] jmv I mean says that/
+ [2016-07-20T17:05:37Z] jmv We don't limit the total size of your binary release files, nor the bandwidth used to deliver them. However, each individual file must be under 2 GB in size. says : We don't limit the total size of your binary release files, nor the bandwidth used to deliver them. However, each individual file must be under 2 GB in size.
+ [2016-07-20T17:03:58Z] jmv My file is 240 Mb .
+ [2016-07-20T17:03:46Z] jmv :)
+ [2016-07-20T16:59:00Z] jmv Hi Contrary to what says:
+ [2016-07-20T16:58:58Z] jmv github site says:
+ [2016-07-20T16:58:58Z] jmv Yowza, that�s a big file. try again with a file smaller than 10MB.
+ [2016-07-20T16:58:58Z] jmv