latest 20 messages by jnz

+ [2014-12-28T11:32:59Z] jnz o/
+ [2014-10-31T11:47:59Z] jnz sounds funny
+ [2014-10-31T11:47:57Z] jnz tarballs
+ [2014-10-31T11:47:56Z] jnz heh
+ [2014-10-31T11:47:21Z] jnz well at the moment one server
+ [2014-10-31T11:47:17Z] jnz yeah
+ [2014-10-31T11:45:59Z] jnz i'd have to install node and crap on the production server though
+ [2014-10-31T11:45:32Z] jnz this is what it does :P
+ [2014-10-31T11:45:25Z] jnz
+ [2014-10-31T11:44:51Z] jnz it compiles my sass
+ [2014-10-31T11:44:47Z] jnz i can make it build js and crap most likely
+ [2014-10-31T11:44:17Z] jnz :X
+ [2014-10-31T11:44:05Z] jnz 361mb*
+ [2014-10-31T11:43:59Z] jnz 361mn
+ [2014-10-31T11:43:19Z] jnz but my upload is crap
+ [2014-10-31T11:43:16Z] jnz capistrano allows for computer > server deployment
+ [2014-10-31T11:42:30Z] jnz ahh
+ [2014-10-31T11:40:39Z] jnz what deployment system do you prefer ?
+ [2014-10-31T11:38:46Z] jnz with different config for production
+ [2014-10-31T11:38:40Z] jnz laravel makes it quite easy