latest 6 messages by john2x

+ [2017-03-18T02:10:35Z] john2x I'm looking for a Slack integration/bot that reads messages in a channel, and if it sees a string that looks like an issue number, posts the details of that issue. Any recommendations?
+ [2017-03-18T02:08:41Z] john2x Hello
+ [2015-01-31T05:52:14Z] john2x ah so it seems public_repo and repo scopes can't be enabled at the same time?
+ [2015-01-31T05:51:03Z] john2x having some trouble trying to configure an access token via I'm trying to enable "public_repo" scope, but after updating the token, the public_repo scope is somehow still deselected. Am I missing something?
+ [2014-08-01T13:12:15Z] john2x is it possible to add an rss feed to my Pages blog?
+ [2014-07-31T03:56:13Z] john2x can I add an rss feed to my github pages site/blog?