latest 4 messages by johnkpaul

+ [2015-05-03T23:47:58Z] johnkpaul I don’t want to deal with redirecting if possible
+ [2015-05-03T23:47:49Z] johnkpaul my current blog generates files into directories with the name of the blog post, so that the url is /blog/2015/5/1/blog-post-name instead of /blog/2015/5/1/blog-post-name.html
+ [2015-05-03T23:47:07Z] johnkpaul I’m trying to migrate an old octopress/jekyll 0.2 site to a new, clean jekyll 2.5.3
+ [2015-05-03T23:46:43Z] johnkpaul how can I configure jekyll to create directories for each post with an index.html file inside instead of a single .html file