latest 20 messages by jonatasbaldin

+ [2014-11-20T02:37:34Z] jonatasbaldin well, thx pontiki, gonna rest know! cheers!
+ [2014-11-20T02:33:53Z] jonatasbaldin I did great stuff with the wiki, still there's lack of file codes and search bar, but I guess its gonna come sometime
+ [2014-11-20T02:33:08Z] jonatasbaldin Github + Jekyll solved it all
+ [2014-11-20T02:32:57Z] jonatasbaldin yes! I was gonna use DigitalOcean, Nginx, MySQL, WordPress, DokuWiki...................
+ [2014-11-20T02:30:07Z] jonatasbaldin no, the blog intension is to share sysadmin stuff, so the design can be less flashier
+ [2014-11-20T02:28:30Z] jonatasbaldin And if you guys finds it cool :D
+ [2014-11-20T02:28:15Z] jonatasbaldin I'm not so good with html/css, so I guess it can have bugs in different browsers, screens etc
+ [2014-11-20T02:26:36Z] jonatasbaldin
+ [2014-11-18T11:08:05Z] jonatasbaldin cmuller13: great, thanks :D If you think I could improve something let me know
+ [2014-11-18T11:04:01Z] jonatasbaldin cmuller13: goes there now, see if you can edit
+ [2014-11-18T10:58:49Z] jonatasbaldin cmuller13: Oh yes, I just block the community edition while I'm testing it, if I allow GitHub provides a quick 'edit' button
+ [2014-11-18T10:56:27Z] jonatasbaldin cmuller13: I'm doing this cause I wanna make a blog with Jekyll and host in GitHub, so I can centralize evertyhing
+ [2014-11-18T10:55:58Z] jonatasbaldin cmuller13: It's more like a guide, actually, but I'm gonna drop more stuff to looks like a Wiki