latest 17 messages by jordilopezamat1

+ [2013-09-19T14:57:54Z] jordilopezamat1 ' does the job also, thanks (i'll have a look at the pagination thing...)
+ [2013-09-19T14:57:54Z] jordilopezamat1 troyswanson ... 'jekyll serve --watch
+ [2013-09-19T14:55:59Z] jordilopezamat1 while 'jekyll --auto --server' is the command suggested by the tutorial... it seems to be something wrong... deprecated, my systems says ? :-/
+ [2013-09-19T14:48:30Z] jordilopezamat1 I'm folllowing this nice tutorial, building my first site ... And i'm getting the following warning (error?) when 'jekyll build' : "Pagination: Pagination is enabled, but I couldn't findan index.html page to use as the pagination template. Skipping pagination."
+ [2013-09-19T14:47:11Z] jordilopezamat1 hello #Jekyll community... newbie here !
+ [2013-09-04T15:37:11Z] jordilopezamat1 how many jekyll server instances can i have up and running simultaneously ?
+ [2013-09-04T15:35:44Z] jordilopezamat1 sure i was reading those jaybe ... thanks for your hints
+ [2013-09-04T15:32:46Z] jordilopezamat1 ... what is the simplest (for beginners) dev&debugging site cycle once the server is up and running ? 1.- tweak the code / 2.- stop the server / 3.- jekyll build / 4.-jekyll serve ... loop kind of ?
+ [2013-09-04T15:30:10Z] jordilopezamat1 (runining locally, just playing with ... )
+ [2013-09-04T15:29:49Z] jordilopezamat1 i've just installed a basic skeleton for my jekyll site
+ [2013-09-04T15:25:03Z] jordilopezamat1 ... just to introduce myself, i've just started working on awesome Jekyll tool a few days ago...