latest 6 messages by joshmace

+ [2016-08-22T17:32:12Z] joshmace @jaybe managed to get a new theme created and up and running. thanks for the assit.
+ [2016-08-22T15:49:03Z] joshmace OK, thanks for the help. I'll do some more digging.
+ [2016-08-22T15:47:21Z] joshmace @jaybe Ok cool that makes sense, though the docs don't seem to reflect that, at least as far as I can tell. I'd like to create a new theme... how do that via a gem?
+ [2016-08-22T15:39:07Z] joshmace Any help would be much appreciated.
+ [2016-08-22T15:38:47Z] joshmace Hello out there! Ok so I'm new to Jekyll and I'm running into an issue... After installation, I am missing the _layouts and _includes directories. I'm on Mac OSX El Capitan.