latest 12 messages by josuebc

+ [2019-11-19T16:59:04Z] josuebc Is there any way to keep the commit verification when using "Squash and Merge" button?
+ [2019-11-11T20:26:44Z] josuebc The public gpg key, that is.
+ [2019-11-11T20:26:32Z] josuebc and the error being that the key is not in my local keyring.
+ [2019-11-11T20:26:25Z] josuebc Say, I want to show weather each commit is verified or not, locally (when running github log). IF I don't have the public gpg key it doesn't show as "G" it shows as "E"
+ [2019-11-11T20:25:34Z] josuebc Is there any recommended way to download and add every gpg key for every member of an organization?
+ [2016-05-24T20:33:20Z] josuebc Zarthus: It's updated now, thanks
+ [2016-05-24T20:19:21Z] josuebc jhass: So yeah, apparently now it's 404-ing. Maybe it's getting updated?
+ [2016-05-24T20:18:35Z] josuebc jhass: Alright, that might be it. Yesterday I waited almost an hour for a commit to show. Thanks
+ [2016-05-24T20:17:43Z] josuebc jhass: Here's my index.html:
+ [2016-05-24T20:17:21Z] josuebc ~10 min?. I even deleted the branch and refreshed and there was a 404. Then pushed the branch again and there it was the single string "My Page"
+ [2016-05-24T20:12:55Z] josuebc Thanks
+ [2016-05-24T20:12:50Z] josuebc Hi there. I setup a gh-pages branch on my project and pushed a test index.html with only "My PAge" on it. It worked and then I went and created a site and pushed it. Now, I only see the "My Page" but in the branch the index.html file is different. Any idea howo make it show the updated index.html?