latest 7 messages by jpoth

+ [2016-09-16T12:46:55Z] jpoth spinningarrow: hmm weird... Yeah using 3.2.1
+ [2016-09-16T09:59:47Z] jpoth however when I change the url to "" the theme seems to be picked up and the rendering is awesome :-) any ideas ?
+ [2016-09-16T09:59:14Z] jpoth spinningarrow: Oh right I see thanks :-) It seems to work now ! Except for the theme ... When generating a new project from scratch using jekyll new . and accessing everything is displayed correctly except it the theme doesn't seem to be picked up
+ [2016-09-16T09:33:39Z] jpoth when I define url: "" eveyrthing works fine
+ [2016-09-16T09:33:15Z] jpoth which is different from the production url defined in the config file hence problems no ?
+ [2016-09-16T09:32:35Z] jpoth spinningarrow: seems like the content generated depends on the url parameter no? Like if I build using jekyll serve the http server will be hosted at
+ [2016-09-16T08:58:07Z] jpoth morning guys ! Maybe someone can help me out... How do you deal with the url parameter in the _config.yml file in dev vs prod ? Is there some sort of if statement we can put in there ?