latest 3 messages by jproulx

+ [2014-09-22T17:51:54Z] jproulx thanks though
+ [2014-09-22T17:51:52Z] jproulx No diff, though actually the default theme is even more messed up than I though it was when I last looked (Friday), I think it's do over time because I don't remember well enough where things went wrong to intelligently debug </ shrug>
+ [2014-09-22T17:34:19Z] jproulx just setting up octopress for 1st time & after installing some themes I lost blog summaries on landing page (even after resetting to 'default' theme), not much there yet so I could rewind & try again but if anyone has suggestions on what I might have screwed up I'd be happier to fix it and go forward than just start over and not know...