latest 15 messages by jshjsh

+ [2015-06-07T00:49:22Z] jshjsh kill the process and start over?
+ [2015-06-07T00:49:14Z] jshjsh The commit button is grayed and the sync wheel is turning
+ [2015-06-07T00:48:49Z] jshjsh it must be failing to commit
+ [2015-06-07T00:48:43Z] jshjsh hmm, it actually still says "unsynced" in the software
+ [2015-06-07T00:47:42Z] jshjsh Or was it confused by installing the software update
+ [2015-06-07T00:47:17Z] jshjsh can it take longer than 5 minutes for a commit to appear?
+ [2015-06-07T00:47:02Z] jshjsh and when I hit the on github link it's 404
+ [2015-06-07T00:46:44Z] jshjsh but then when I updated my repostory again today, my commit isn't showing
+ [2015-06-07T00:46:15Z] jshjsh I joined github and downloaded the software a long time ago... I added my first repository yesterday. When I ran the software again today it updated
+ [2015-06-06T02:29:10Z] jshjsh Oh I guess I had to hit publish and wait a few minutes
+ [2015-06-06T02:27:25Z] jshjsh I checked code in using github code, so why is the page showing me stuff on creating a repository or setting one up?
+ [2015-06-06T02:23:02Z] jshjsh I got this far
+ [2015-06-06T02:20:25Z] jshjsh Just trying to figure out how to check data in...
+ [2015-06-06T02:20:13Z] jshjsh Too late, I just created a repository named after a library
+ [2015-06-06T02:09:09Z] jshjsh I'm new to github so I have kind of a dumb question. I want to post a little project - do you create one repository per project, or do you put a bunch of related programs in the same repository?