latest 11 messages by justatheory

+ [2013-08-23T16:42:19Z] justatheory Or is there perhaps some other variable I should use?
+ [2013-08-23T16:40:18Z] justatheory Anyone know how to use http_fonts_path (defined in config.rb) in a sass file? is there a SASS variable storing its value somewhere?
+ [2013-08-05T15:44:06Z] justatheory jaybe: Yeah. Happy to submit a pull request if I can figure out where issues are now tracked.
+ [2013-08-05T12:20:08Z] justatheory Same link is bad in
+ [2013-08-05T12:19:12Z] justatheory Also, the octobugs link in the /topic is a 404.
+ [2013-08-05T12:18:13Z] justatheory Anyone know how to try the linklog feature? The "2.1" branch referenced in no longer exists.
+ [2013-07-18T15:08:13Z] justatheory Ah, had to update the Gemfile with the proper version.
+ [2013-07-18T14:55:49Z] justatheory Anyone know how I can tell it where to find it?
+ [2013-07-18T14:55:40Z] justatheory So, I have installed rdiscount-2.1.6 and deleted /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rdiscount- But now Octopress cannot find rdiscount.