latest 6 messages by justdave

+ [2016-06-08T20:43:30Z] justdave
+ [2016-06-08T20:43:08Z] justdave updating the description would make it visible to people that already have it installed so they'd know it was discontinued though
+ [2016-06-08T20:42:43Z] justdave it's probably hidden from the search because they discontinued it
+ [2016-06-08T20:42:14Z] justdave VxJasonxV:
+ [2016-06-08T19:48:40Z] justdave interesting that they didn't update the Play Store description to indicate that it's not supported anymore
+ [2016-06-08T19:47:12Z] justdave so I was going to ask why I couldn't log into the github android app, but Googling around, I see it's been discontinued (and a few alternatives have popped up). Did they disable logging in from it when they discontinued it?