latest 3 messages by jwarren_

+ [2016-10-12T20:30:12Z] jwarren_ The fake github user being to set up a keypair that isn't restricted to one repo.
+ [2016-10-12T20:29:47Z] jwarren_ Hey folks, I'm having an issue with keys and private repos. When I deploy my app, it updates from my private github repo, and uses the appropriate deploy key, which is in my /etc/hosts file for I then have another repo that gets installed with the Python package manager (Pip), but it's also private. Github won't let me use duplicate deploy keys though, so is there a reasonable way to configure this without having to set
+ [2016-05-31T21:21:10Z] jwarren_ Hey Jekyll folks... I have a config question. I'm trying to make it so that only a single page is viewable in my Jekyll app (I'm using Jekyll to serve my changelog, not the entire app). Can I just `exclude: [*]` and `include: ['']` instead of listing every other dir/file in the repo?