latest 14 messages by jxport

+ [2014-07-11T00:10:36Z] jxport It seems silly to withhold releases just for the sake of not making the minor number get too high
+ [2014-07-11T00:10:11Z] jxport But yeah, I like to release on every new feature - I have a lot of small features that I regularly add (and they are functionality, so they are minor rather than patch)
+ [2014-07-11T00:09:38Z] jxport VxJasonxV: it certainly makes sense to version in a componentised way like that
+ [2014-07-11T00:05:01Z] jxport If I'm actually now discovering that SemVer does not adhere to my situation, my thinking hasn't been overly :)
+ [2014-07-11T00:04:13Z] jxport That doesn't sound like a particularly unreasonable scenario
+ [2014-07-11T00:03:51Z] jxport s/contain/maintain/
+ [2014-07-11T00:03:43Z] jxport VxJasonxV: let's say I have a project that I can only infrequently contain. Leaving too many changes between releases might mean I don't release very often at all. So as soon as I change something, I want it released
+ [2014-07-11T00:02:27Z] jxport VxJasonxV: should releases not be as granular as possible, to the point of changes, in the interests of continuous delivery?
+ [2014-07-10T23:49:48Z] jxport Without lumping lots of changes into big, irregular releases, it seems as though the minor version will go through the roof pretty quickly, in this early stage of development
+ [2014-07-10T23:49:07Z] jxport I'm looking to apply SemVer to a new project I'm starting. It seems that with every change though, I'm going to eventually get 0.9001.0 - how can I avoid this?
+ [2014-07-10T23:48:25Z] jxport hey
+ [2014-07-06T22:16:11Z] jxport luto: or c) to make their github profile look busier?
+ [2014-07-06T22:10:43Z] jxport why do so many people fork repos, without actually contributing any additional commits on that fork? 0_o
+ [2014-07-06T22:10:26Z] jxport Hi guys, a behavioral question about users of Github...