latest 20 messages by kaffeebohne

+ [2014-09-04T17:37:45Z] kaffeebohne It started with the system seeing the keyboard as an apple keyboard :(
+ [2014-09-04T17:32:29Z] kaffeebohne I somehow switched my ^ and < on my keyboard, that sucks -.-
+ [2014-08-31T14:21:12Z] kaffeebohne I guess he does not know where he can put the data or where it is coming from.
+ [2014-08-31T13:39:24Z] kaffeebohne (Sorry, I said he should switch to jekyll, he might ask some questions here now! :D Good to see you again jaybe!)
+ [2014-07-29T19:58:32Z] kaffeebohne ah, missed the "--- ---"
+ [2014-07-29T19:58:00Z] kaffeebohne Hi, somehow my ./css/style.sass is not processed, why could that be?
+ [2014-02-19T20:43:38Z] kaffeebohne Your client could upload the posts with ftp, your server would watch that folder, copy the new content to your jekyll source folder and then build jekyll
+ [2014-02-19T20:42:23Z] kaffeebohne basically "file changes -> command"
+ [2014-02-19T20:41:50Z] kaffeebohne
+ [2014-02-19T20:41:30Z] kaffeebohne even windows explorer can integrate ftp as a folder on the "computer"-folder
+ [2014-02-19T20:41:16Z] kaffeebohne SylvieLorxu: ftp + incron?
+ [2014-02-19T20:38:36Z] kaffeebohne
+ [2014-02-19T20:34:11Z] kaffeebohne SylvieLorxu,
+ [2014-02-19T20:33:12Z] kaffeebohne but he could provide a self hosted gitlab