latest 20 messages by kaizenDev

+ [2015-07-19T16:13:28Z] kaizenDev I see, that what you get with latency ;)
+ [2015-07-19T16:11:53Z] kaizenDev On what do you decide to go for jekyll or middleman? Or has it just grown like this?
+ [2015-07-19T16:09:35Z] kaizenDev You're probably right, they are moving in the wrong direction. Are all your blogs/sites created with jekyll?
+ [2015-07-19T16:08:24Z] kaizenDev But it's worth considering ...
+ [2015-07-19T16:08:07Z] kaizenDev I'm still using Evernote for these things
+ [2015-07-19T16:07:34Z] kaizenDev Ok, so you use it as a kind of archive
+ [2015-07-19T16:06:47Z] kaizenDev Related to your work probably ;-)
+ [2015-07-19T16:05:27Z] kaizenDev pontiki that's a different type of site, I understand your choice but for me it's about writing text with an occasional image. Sounds like you have more a portfolio site than a blog.
+ [2015-07-19T15:59:06Z] kaizenDev Absolutely right, still thanks for taking the time to get me going.
+ [2015-07-19T15:57:03Z] kaizenDev That's a lot of homework ;-) Very much appreciated. I will dive into it, thnx for the directions!
+ [2015-07-19T15:48:41Z] kaizenDev Sorry for the date insertion, TextExpander thing and a typo ;-)
+ [2015-07-19T15:47:57Z] kaizenDev Also in the same directory as the markdown? So one post per directory where the images are in the same directory? That is possible? I 19-07-2015 not find anything that could make that possible. But that can easily be my fault. Maybe you can put me into the right direction?
+ [2015-07-19T15:41:54Z] kaizenDev I prefer to have my images next to my post and not in a image directory. This way I can keep the markdown clean and readable by other markdown readers.
+ [2015-07-19T15:39:35Z] kaizenDev jaybe, I'm looking at Jekyll for my own website but I'm struggling with the location of the images. One of the open points/todo items has something to do with Permalink consistency.
+ [2015-07-19T14:49:30Z] kaizenDev For the site structure very relevant
+ [2015-07-19T14:48:43Z] kaizenDev jaybe what's up with the Permalink consistency?
+ [2015-07-19T14:47:15Z] kaizenDev thanks pontiki
+ [2015-07-19T14:46:46Z] kaizenDev thanks for the quick answer