latest 8 messages by kalloc

+ [2016-11-08T15:44:55Z] kalloc bad typing, but works
+ [2016-11-08T15:44:42Z] kalloc
+ [2016-11-08T15:44:09Z] kalloc
+ [2016-11-08T15:43:27Z] kalloc allejo: I wrote plugin, which can add class to all "a" element
+ [2016-11-07T17:22:35Z] kalloc html attr class
+ [2016-11-07T17:21:32Z] kalloc Is it possible and how to do it?
+ [2016-11-07T17:21:19Z] kalloc I want to set default class for all links on the page
+ [2016-11-07T17:20:49Z] kalloc hi