latest 14 messages by kaoD

+ [2013-06-02T17:57:12Z] kaoD thanks again :)
+ [2013-06-02T17:56:54Z] kaoD oookay, I got you wrong then
+ [2013-06-02T17:55:40Z] kaoD (which would mean lower compile times and better sync support)
+ [2013-06-02T17:55:14Z] kaoD Nope jaybe, the answer is "no" because I have to tell it which dir to ignore. What I meant was if it was smart enough to do it by itself just checking which files changed and which files were built using those changed files.
+ [2013-06-02T17:49:47Z] kaoD thanks
+ [2013-06-02T17:49:46Z] kaoD then the answer to my question is "no"
+ [2013-06-02T17:47:39Z] kaoD and if I rebuild a template, does it rebuild just the .html files that were generated by that template?
+ [2013-06-02T17:47:20Z] kaoD if I change just one .md, does it rebuild just that .md ?
+ [2013-06-02T17:47:11Z] kaoD I mean
+ [2013-06-02T17:47:10Z] kaoD yeah, but is it automated?
+ [2013-06-02T17:46:01Z] kaoD but it's a manual operation?
+ [2013-06-02T17:07:25Z] kaoD does Octopress regenerate the whole site or just relevant files?
+ [2013-06-02T17:07:15Z] kaoD I'm evaluating different static site generators
+ [2013-06-02T17:06:55Z] kaoD hi