latest 20 messages by karolis

+ [2013-10-05T23:01:44Z] karolis pontiki, thanks, I will check that out
+ [2013-10-05T22:22:47Z] karolis I change manyally changed the deplyment from public to some other directory. maybe there are different paths for html files (converted) and the rest. not sure
+ [2013-10-05T22:21:32Z] karolis pontiki, not really, just confirmed that creating a sub-directory inside _posts did not help
+ [2013-10-05T16:17:58Z] karolis what can be the reasons for it?
+ [2013-10-05T16:17:52Z] karolis yes, exactly
+ [2013-10-05T16:03:06Z] karolis but does if I put them besides pages
+ [2013-10-05T16:03:01Z] karolis they don't get transfered if I put them besides posts for some reason
+ [2013-10-05T15:52:22Z] karolis and I didn't find a way to correct this for now heh
+ [2013-10-05T15:52:15Z] karolis so for example if I have a fig.png in a page directory - the fig will get transfered to source. but if I have the same fig.png with a post, the fig wouldn't get transfered.
+ [2013-10-05T15:51:29Z] karolis other idea is to use posts, but the problem with posts is that for some reason when publishing they do not transfer all the associated data with them
+ [2013-10-05T15:51:04Z] karolis However I would really like to be able just to add some pages and have the site generate navigation in the sub-directories automatically. (which I think is currently hard in jakyll)
+ [2013-10-05T15:49:30Z] karolis it works well, regenerates automatically. maybe atom.xml is not correct, but I did not care about it for now.
+ [2013-10-05T15:48:49Z] karolis I tried to implement it with two jakyll instalations. one of which sends the output to the source of the other.
+ [2013-10-05T15:48:25Z] karolis jaybe, do have have any new thoughts on the multi-category idea?
+ [2013-10-05T15:37:37Z] karolis jaybe, I found that something along that lines is waiting to be imported into jekyll. But 3 years already past and it still hasn't been done, or so it seems
+ [2013-10-05T14:07:46Z] karolis can I somehow traverse the directory tree in jekyll? Can't find any plugins for that and Liquid does not seem to want to do that. I would like to generate navigation based only on directory tree and the files inside...
+ [2013-10-05T00:40:06Z] karolis jaybe, take care, if you are going already
+ [2013-10-05T00:37:35Z] karolis jaybe, what benefits do you have in mind?
+ [2013-10-05T00:37:11Z] karolis yes sounds good, but I will have to leave as well, so probably we will only able to meet tomorrow
+ [2013-10-05T00:33:34Z] karolis if this is relatively easy to set up and there will be no weird behaviour, then I would surely go for this one