latest 6 messages by kedgen

+ [2016-11-05T18:28:22Z] kedgen oh ok I think I see now, you can just include the theme files in the root directory as opposed to specifying it in the config file
+ [2016-11-05T18:23:15Z] kedgen and write theme files there?
+ [2016-11-05T18:23:06Z] kedgen So if I wanted to use my own, could I just create the necessary directories (like _layouts and _includes?
+ [2016-11-05T18:19:30Z] kedgen jaybe: but there's a theme being used by default, isn't this where templates live?
+ [2016-11-05T18:16:29Z] kedgen I don't want to share my theme publicly, I just want to be able to make custom layouts
+ [2016-11-05T18:16:06Z] kedgen Can someone help me understand the use of themes? If I want to create a custom CSS and layout for me site, do I need to create my own theme, or is there a simpler way to do that?