latest 20 messages by kevinprince

+ [2016-03-21T17:26:12Z] kevinprince we are investigating a high error rates
+ [2015-05-06T11:56:54Z] kevinprince yeah and when your dealing with an outage thats pretty good :)
+ [2015-05-06T11:56:15Z] kevinprince gh-status bot posts when they put an update i think
+ [2015-05-06T11:54:04Z] kevinprince based on the MASSIVE spike in page render times im going with something broke
+ [2015-05-06T11:51:58Z] kevinprince im not staff :P don't think theirs many in here
+ [2015-05-06T11:51:22Z] kevinprince IamTrying: i have about 300 dev's who can't commit or do anything on .com right now, it happens.
+ [2015-05-06T11:50:08Z] kevinprince IamTrying: when it comes back, it comes back.
+ [2015-05-06T11:49:19Z] kevinprince IamTrying: yes -
+ [2015-05-06T11:45:59Z] kevinprince going to be depending what web box you hit probably
+ [2015-05-06T11:43:52Z] kevinprince nice repair octocat has been deployed
+ [2015-05-06T11:43:07Z] kevinprince nice repair octocat has been deployed
+ [2015-01-21T15:49:02Z] kevinprince Dougie187: i've opened a ticket
+ [2015-01-21T15:22:40Z] kevinprince Dougie187: can't seem to get that to work on the API
+ [2015-01-21T15:18:35Z] kevinprince let be fire up something with ocotkit
+ [2015-01-21T15:17:35Z] kevinprince i have the wiki address, as i can build it programttically issue is when i try to clone, the clone fails as its a dud
+ [2015-01-21T15:17:03Z] kevinprince the wiki doesnt exist until some click wiki