latest 19 messages by kevr

+ [2020-04-21T19:03:59Z] kevr saml: how's it slow?
+ [2020-04-21T18:31:48Z] kevr got it, just set `git: submodules: false` and added a git submodule line in before_install
+ [2020-04-21T18:27:39Z] kevr i'd like to remove --recursive for this specific project
+ [2020-04-21T18:27:25Z] kevr is there a way i can change the command travis-ci uses for `git submodule update --init --recursive`?
+ [2019-11-24T15:25:15Z] kevr Hm..
+ [2019-11-24T15:25:13Z] kevr How about "Blocked By" or "Blocking" issues? I don't see any of them in my issues section.. and the docs i'm finding aren't mentioning anything about how to mention or create them
+ [2019-11-24T15:14:26Z] kevr Alright.
+ [2019-11-24T15:10:30Z] kevr or label it as a branch or something. I know I can do this blindly, but i'm wondering if there's a legit way to create an issue on a branch
+ [2019-11-24T15:10:03Z] kevr is there a way i can assign an issue to a branch?
+ [2019-09-24T23:05:40Z] kevr yeah, probably
+ [2019-09-24T22:11:59Z] kevr server-side
+ [2019-09-24T22:11:54Z] kevr like an official spec page of how it works from github's standpoint
+ [2019-09-24T22:11:42Z] kevr yeah, like not a blog
+ [2019-09-24T22:11:08Z] kevr i appreciate the help
+ [2019-09-24T22:11:04Z] kevr thanks bud, was looking for something a bit more official though
+ [2019-09-24T21:41:30Z] kevr is there a doc page that talks about this?
+ [2019-09-24T21:29:12Z] kevr are user forks shallow?
+ [2015-03-05T22:55:49Z] kevr Dougie187: would that allow them to edit the repository though? I just want to allow them to be able to fork it, or is that only available with public repos?
+ [2015-03-05T22:50:56Z] kevr Hello. How can I invite people to see my private repository?