latest 15 messages by ki9a

+ [2014-10-21T15:33:32Z] ki9a I have Liquid::Block plugin, can I somehow make it accept anything until the {% end ... %} closing tag? It currently doesn't see the {% end... %} if there's an open xml tag inside it
+ [2014-09-17T16:25:49Z] ki9a .md or .html ofc.
+ [2014-09-17T16:25:28Z] ki9a Is there a context variable I can use instead to see what files exist?
+ [2014-09-17T16:25:10Z] ki9a Hopefully last question; I wrote a plugin that turns {% link target | text %} into a href IF target exists locally, else into a <span class="badlink">. I check if the file exists via the context by using File.exists? with a .md or .index appended to check
+ [2014-09-17T16:22:06Z] ki9a thanks.
+ [2014-09-17T16:17:13Z] ki9a iamcarrico: that's for blog posts though
+ [2014-09-17T16:15:15Z] ki9a Bit like drafts but for pages
+ [2014-09-17T16:14:39Z] ki9a Does jekyll have profiles like debug vs release or some other way to distingiush between a site with unfinished pages and only finished?
+ [2014-09-17T15:09:32Z] ki9a thakns!
+ [2014-09-17T15:09:30Z] ki9a seems to work
+ [2014-09-17T15:07:07Z] ki9a trying
+ [2014-09-17T15:06:29Z] ki9a no
+ [2014-09-17T15:05:13Z] ki9a the permalink thing works I guess; but is there a way to do this automatically?
+ [2014-09-17T15:02:23Z] ki9a I want all my pages to end up generating a dir + index.html
+ [2014-09-17T15:00:54Z] ki9a I know the blog output can create fancy urls; but is there a way to do the same for pages so that / ends as /myfile/index.html ?