latest 4 messages by killtheliterate

+ [2016-03-10T17:40:33Z] killtheliterate What is a good way to have my first page contain a single post, and the next page to contain excerpts? I've tried a combo of paginator and offset, but the "next" page is offset by the paginator value from _config.
+ [2014-12-30T22:59:34Z] killtheliterate So, I've been trying to construct a generator to create json copies of posts, but i'm getting tripped up on Generator class. It seems like _site is getting wiped out? 'Cause I'm having trouble writing to that directory from within that class
+ [2014-12-30T20:13:16Z] killtheliterate What is the best way to build a JSON API with Jekyll? Is a plugin the only option if I'd like each piece of content at its own URL?
+ [2013-06-23T19:03:55Z] killtheliterate is there a good resource for swapping liquid with something else?