latest 10 messages by knobo1

+ [2016-07-26T19:09:15Z] knobo1 Zarthus: thanx
+ [2016-07-26T11:55:20Z] knobo1 Maybe delete my fork, and fork again?
+ [2016-07-26T11:55:06Z] knobo1 When I have forked a project, and want to update the source from the original source. What is the easiest way to do that?
+ [2016-07-05T19:42:57Z] knobo1 jhass: thank you
+ [2016-07-05T19:38:23Z] knobo1 cool :)
+ [2016-07-05T19:37:51Z] knobo1 I cloned from my fork
+ [2016-07-05T19:36:28Z] knobo1 jhass: I have my own fork in github.
+ [2016-07-05T19:34:52Z] knobo1 jhass: I have my own fork though.
+ [2016-07-05T19:30:45Z] knobo1 How do I do that?
+ [2016-07-05T19:30:39Z] knobo1 If 'a' has a pull request to 'b', and I have cloned 'b' and added my own code, now I want to include what's in 'b's pull request