latest 20 messages by kristian-aalborg

+ [2015-02-02T23:52:26Z] kristian-aalborg /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:55:in `require': cannot load such file -- jekyll_lunr_js_search/version (LoadError)
+ [2015-02-02T23:49:34Z] kristian-aalborg it seems I have some ruby issues on the server... trying to sort that at the moment
+ [2015-02-02T22:21:48Z] kristian-aalborg however, I get a 404 upon filling out the form and hitting enter. What gives?
+ [2015-02-02T22:21:32Z] kristian-aalborg
+ [2015-02-02T22:14:36Z] kristian-aalborg my search project is making progress, hurrah
+ [2015-02-01T22:27:51Z] kristian-aalborg ah, it works if put in _includes/footer.html
+ [2015-02-01T22:21:51Z] kristian-aalborg ... so that it gets run as code, not shown in the browser... I'm trying to put it in
+ [2015-02-01T22:21:06Z] kristian-aalborg <script src="/js/search.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
+ [2015-01-30T16:54:03Z] kristian-aalborg yup, this:
+ [2015-01-30T16:43:32Z] kristian-aalborg Sidst opdateret {{ page.path | file_date | date_to_string }}.