latest 20 messages by lar23

+ [2016-04-30T22:51:40Z] lar23 Anyone knows a compatible csi camera with rapberry pi that has an autofocus?
+ [2016-04-30T22:51:13Z] lar23 hello everyone
+ [2016-04-29T01:55:35Z] lar23 anyone would help me out witha barcode reader, I am willing to pay up to 250$
+ [2016-04-28T17:05:31Z] lar23 willing to pay somone if they can help me out
+ [2016-04-28T17:05:21Z] lar23 Barcode reader with python using Raspberry pi?
+ [2016-04-28T16:27:43Z] lar23 or OCR using raspberry pi
+ [2016-04-28T16:27:20Z] lar23 anyone has experience with zbar?
+ [2016-04-27T00:42:52Z] lar23 i am willing to pay
+ [2016-04-27T00:41:40Z] lar23 I am trying to read numbers from a live video
+ [2016-04-27T00:41:23Z] lar23 image processing using a raspberry pi camera
+ [2016-04-27T00:41:12Z] lar23 is anyone willing to help me out with OCR
+ [2016-04-26T04:14:24Z] lar23 lol
+ [2016-04-26T04:14:03Z] lar23 What do you think it will be easier to accomplish?
+ [2016-04-26T04:11:16Z] lar23 Using barcode thought it would be easier than reading numbers from an image
+ [2016-04-26T04:10:46Z] lar23 any experience with it ?
+ [2016-04-26T04:10:41Z] lar23 the point is to recognize door numbers
+ [2016-04-26T04:10:20Z] lar23 VxJasonxV : its part of a project
+ [2016-04-26T03:17:45Z] lar23 Anyone know a source reading barcodes from image
+ [2016-04-26T02:49:30Z] lar23 I am willing to pay
+ [2016-04-26T02:49:07Z] lar23 Would someone be kind an help me out with a project that I am working on since the past month :(